Saturday, January 31, 2015


-77 people interested in losing weight
-All natural weight loss/ appetite supplement provided
-Earn a chance to win $1000 after 90 days of weight loss 

If interested, enter the 90 day challenge:

Monday, January 26, 2015

What is your WHY

What is your WHY?

What is your dream?  What is your desire?  What is your purpose?
What is your WHY?

I was pondering this today.  How often we travel our daily lives, continuing to go day in and day out without stopping to consider what we are doing with our lives.  Are we working towards our dreams?  Are we working towards our goals?  Have we established a vision for our personal lives and for our families?  Have we truly prayed about and determined what our God given purpose is?

My dream and desire has always been to be financially independent. I want to be able to care for my family, and donate time and resources to so many charitable organizations I believe in.  I absolutely love my career, I love being a Family Nurse Practitioner!  I believe God placed me where I am in this time to care for others. Financial independence would enable me to care for more people on a volunteer basis.  I would especially like to donate more time and talent as a Family Nurse Practitioner to Hands of Hope caring for women who choose life.

What is your dream?  Your desire?  Your purpose?  Your Why?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Who inspires you?

Are you inspired by money?
Are you inspired by music?
Are you inspired by a hobby, or a movie?
Are you inspired by family or a friend?
Are you inspired by social media?

I am inspired by many people.  First and foremost, I am inspired by God.  He gave his only son for my life, for my salvation, for my sin. If I was the only one on the face of the earth, He would still have sent His son for me.  I am also inspired by family.  My husband is talented in many things.  He is a hard working, and intelligent principal.  He also is amazing with his hands. He gardens, fixes his antique car,  repairs all sorts of things in the house, sews, and cooks.  My sister is brilliant in math and teaching math to both adults and kids, even teenagers.  My brothers are both amazing too, one is incredible with computers, the other is an amazing chef.  My children are also inspirations on their own. My oldest son is a fluent debater; my daughter is a flexible and talented dancer; and my youngest son is a natural with computers.

I am also inspired by biblical speakers.  I am inspired by Dave Ramsey and Dani Johnson. They both educate and inspire others to follow biblical principles of success, including financial accountability.  I am also inspired by famous people.  Glenn Beck inspires me with his honest view of politics and his  education to others on the importance of history.  I am inspired by Lila Rose and the way she stands boldly for life.  

I am also inspired by social media.  I have so many wonderful, and godly friends.  Social media has many evils, but the blessings of godly friends who encourage each other is truly edifying.

I ask you, who or what inspires you?  Please post in the comments below.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Earning God's Trust

“You cannot sow a seed and then just sit and expect something to happen”

Excerpt From: Johnson, Dani. “Spirit Driven Success.” Destiny Image Publishers, 2009. iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.  Check out this book on the iBooks Store:

I was recently introduced to Dani Johnson from the wife of my husband's friend.  I just finished "First Steps to Wealth" and am now reading "Spirit Driven Success."  I also listen and watch Dani's show online.  I love the down to earth, no mincing words advice she gives.  She tells it straight.  I especially love her advice is based on Biblical truths.  

Here we see we are responsible and accountable to put forth effort, live our faith out loud, and be an example to others.  If we want much, we must prove trustworthy with little. No matter where you are, are you trustworthy with what God is giving you? I struggle with money, especially debt, but am determined to be faithful in my little place on earth.  I am working hard to do better with God's trust by reading, and listening to experts like Dani Johnson and Dave Ramsey.  I want to earn God's trust.  What are you doing to earn his trust?  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dani Johnson- I learn so much from you💜💜

I just have to share, I LOVE Dani Johnson's podcasts.  She is a Christian woman who is now a millionaire after incredibly poor upbringing circumstances, and even being homeless at age 21. She is self made and gives God all the credit.  She now teaches others how to improve their financial situation, get along in a more caring way with others, and devote their lives to Christ.  Her podcasts and books are so edifying and uplifting!  I really hope someway I can attend one of her seminars in person.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Report and One Word

How did your week go?  

1) Physically:  I kept  to my resolution/ commitment Sunday, Monday, and first half of Tuesday.  We went as a family to the movies on Tuesday afternoon. I fell off the health/ diet commitment from that point till Saturday.  I got back to my THM (Trim Healthy Mama) on Saturday.  Idid exercise Monday, but didn't the rest of the week 

2) Mentally: I did read Dani Johnson's emails, continued reading First Steps to Wealth, listened to her podcasts, and had still/ quiet time just to pray and listen to God.

3) Intellectually: I read my AANP emails, listened to MD Radio, and listened to Doctor radio Mon- Wed on my way too and from work. 

4) Financially: I listened to Dave Ramsey's show, reviewed my budget, and used my budget to determine where my money went. 

5) Spiritually: I read scripture Sun-Wed, and read my daily verses from KLOVE and my Proverbs 31 app. 

Pantano continued teaching today on changing in 2015 for the good.  The pastor suggested picking a word for the year to focus on for the year.  He mentioned possible words such as Faithfulness, Freedom, Grace, Compassion, etc.  These are wonderful words, but when he mentioned this idea, the word that immediately came to mind was Yeshua, (Jesus). I thought, pondered, and prayed on this.  Yeshua (Jesus) encompasses all the possible positive words in existence.  I want to follow Him with all that I am.  I want to be emptied of me and filled with Him.  I want each breath I take and each move I make to be focussed on my savior, Yeshua (Jesus).

If you are interested on hearing the sermon from today, follow this link:

What word will you focus on in 2015?