In case you haven't discovered yet, I am a big fan of Dani Johnson. She is a real bootstrap girl. She was raised in the pit of hell by parents who were drug addicts. She was abused in every way possible. However, instead of accepting the lie, she was not meant for any more, she defied it with the Truth! She is a child of the King of King, the Maker of the Universe. Who loves her so much, he reached down, dusted her off, and sent His only son to die for her sin. We are so precious to Him, He knows every hair on our head, and is not willing to lose any of us, therefore, he reaches out for us, all we need to do is grasp hold and follow Him.
Like Dani, I came from rough early years, not quite as bad, but from a family where physical and mental abuse took place. I believed the enemy's lie, I was unworthy. However, God reached down, dusted me off, and reached me in a personal way, letting me know His son died for ME! I am so special to His heart, I know He would have sent Yeshua (Jesus) to die for only me. I am truly His child!
If you want to live up to your potential, reach out for your Creator. He loves you and reaches out to you, you only need to take hold.
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