Sunday, May 3, 2015


It's so important to exercise.  Sometimes it is beyond hard to get up and do it, however, the rewards for working out is a healthier body.

I try to change up my workouts a bit. Mon, Wed, Fri are workout with weights days at the gym.  I do 10-15 min cardio to warm out followed by weights.  Tues and Thurs, I work out with dvd cardio workouts.  Weekends are usually busy so I don't generally workout on the weekends. I'm  always looking for different weight training workouts.  My body doesn't get too used to one workout and my health benefits. The dvds are ones I've collected including Zumba, Hip Hop Abs, T25, and 2 weight loss yoga dvds, one by Bob Greene and the other by Jillian Michaels. What kind of workouts do you do?  

God bless 🌺🌺

Saturday, April 25, 2015

What Do You Like To Do For Exercise

What do you like to do for exercise?  I hear so many folks say "I only walk."  Any  exercise you do is better than no exercise, and in reality, walking is one of the best exercises you can do.  It offers great cardio benefits while putting little stress on your joints.  Some of my friends like to hike outdoors.  Arizona is a grwat place for outdoor activities.  I have other friends who bike for exercise in the great Arizona outdoors.  I'm personally not an outdoors person.  I exercise using dvds for cardio and yoga.  I also weightlift at the gym for strength training.  I try to do cardio followed by yoga 2-3 days per week.  I also weightlift 2-3 days per week.  I am not a morning person, but have learned to get up and workout at 5am. If I try to go after work, I usually flake out due to exhaustion.  I have learned to wake up and workout, which I've found actually helps me feel better during my day.  I'm far more alert with the extra boost of oxygen to my brain from working out.

I'd love to hear what you like to do for exercise 😊

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dealing with Struggles

Lately life has been quite a struggle for my family and me.  Lots of major family issues happening, combined with the stresses of work and finances, could spell disaster.  When I was much younger, I would have reacted with depression, anxiety, and poor ways of dealing with stress.  My biggest stress go-to was always food.  I am an emotional eater.  I eat when I'm happy, sad, angry, bored, lonley, and pretty much any emotion you can think of.  I have had to learn a better way to handle stress, but it is something I will always struggle with.  Like an alcoholic, drug addict, or a smoker, food is my addiction.  However, unlike other addictions, we can't stop eating.  It is hard, but one can cease drinking alcohol, smoking, or using drugs. One can't just stop eating and still live.  I have had to learn to workout, pray, read, and engage in other productive activities, rather than turn to food.  If all else fails, we have healthy choices food in our house rather than unhealthy.  Therefore, if I do slip and turn to food the damage isn't as bad.  

We all have struggles, hard times, challenges we must overcome in life, some are more difficult than others.  One thing we all have in common is the need for encouragement and support in the goid times and in the bad.  I try my best to be there in person, in text, by phone, through email, and in social media to offer encouragement, prayer, and hugs.  This is one of my favorite ways to be productive, helping others. 

What do you sturggle with?  How do you overcome it? How do you help others in their struggles?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Seek Him First

Do you worry?  Do you have anxiety?
Do you stress about finances, family, friends, work, school, and/or your health?  

YHWH (God) has an answer for you. 
"Don't worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Then God's shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy." Philipians 4:6-8

Our Father in Heaven loves and cares for you!  He will carry you in hard times.  We only need to seek His will, and He will guide us. 

"But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Don't wor y about tomorrow -- tomorrow will worry about itself! Today has enough tsuris already" Matthew 6:33-34

Recently, my church had a series called "Ask the Author."  It was focused on relationships and singleness as God calls us, not as the world calls us. Here is a link to the most recent teaching. 

The Pastor taught as the Bible does to seek God's will first whether in a relationship or single.  He wants to guide our paths.  He wants what is best for us!

"For I know what plans I have in mind for you,' says ADONAI,'plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future. When you call to me and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you seek me, you will find me, provided you seek for me wholeheartedly; and I will let you find me,' says ADONAI." Jeremiah 29:11-14

Have a blessed day seeking God first and taking comfort in knowing Adonai wants best for you always!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


We are called to serve YHWH (God) through his son, Yeshua (Jesus).  
 "If someone is serving me, let him follow me; wherever I am, my servant will be there too. My Father will honor anyone who serves me" John 12:26

How can we best serve Him? We can serve one another, using the gifts He has given us. 

"Now there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.  Also, there are different ways of serving, but it is the same Lord being served.6 And there are different modes of working, but it is the same God working them all in everyone" 
1 Corinth 12:4-6

If we seek to serve each other as unto the Lord, we are serving as He taught us.
"Remember that whoever does good work, whether he be a slave or a free man, will be rewarded by the Lord" Ephesians 6:8

Do you love fun?
Think of fun ways to serve. Serve by gathering others and sparking them toserve. Host a party to raise money for the poor, make hygiene packs for the homeless, or school packs for kids.

Do you like a challenge? Think of challenges to help others. Challenge friends or family to raise money for a charitable cause.
Challenge others to collect food or clothes for a local homeless shelter.  

Do you like facts and figures? Volunteer to assist in raising money for a charity, perhaps offer to assist with their financial management. Research organizations that represent charitable needs you agree with and discover ways you can use your gifts to best help them.

Do you come to life when you are giving to others? Seek volunteer opportunities with a charity you believe in. Offer to aid a family in need by babysitting, cooking, or pulling weeds.  

"Whatever work you do, put yourself into it, as those who are serving not merely other people, but the Lord. Remember that as your reward, you will receive the inheritance from the Lord. You are slaving for the Lord, for the Messiah" Colossians 3:23-24

How do you serve the Lord and others?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Being Humble

YHWH (God) calls us to be humble many times throughout his word. 

2 Chron 7:14 "then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land"

What does it mean to be humble? says"not proud, not arrogant;  modest." Merriam-Webster states, "not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive." But is this really what God is saying.  Let's ask Him. 

We know He listens and encourages the humble. 
Psalm 10:17 "Adonai, you have heard what the humble want; you encourage them and listen to them"

We also know wisdom comes with humility, but pride goes with disgrace. 
Proverbs 11:2-3 "First comes pride, then disgrace; but with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright guides them, but the duplicity of the treacherous destroys them"

Yeshua (Jesus) says himself, we must be humble like a child. 
Matthew 18:4 "So the greatest in the Kingdom is who ever makes himself as humble as this child."

This is humility according to YHWH.  Integrity, Belief, Serving others- this is being humble. Yeshua (Jesus), himself, demonstrated this as he humbled himself for us, even to the cross
Matthew 11:29 "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" 

We are therefore instructed to always be humble-not once in awhile, but ALWAYS. 
Ephesians 4:2 "Always be humble, gentle and patient, bearing with one another in love,"

A martial arts instructor once told me, "you need to be humble enough to learn from the youngest to the oldest."  Wisdom is available at all ages. We simply must learn to love and care for others, truly humble.

How do you define humility? 

Monday, March 16, 2015

True Success

I was challenged recently to think about how I define success.  Is success an increase in financial gain?  Is it a new or better job?  Is it a degree?  Is it the latest or best available?  What is your definition?

Is success your achievement?


Is success perhaps more than you? What if true success really isn't about you, or me in my case?  Could success possibly be more about others?  If we are able to help someone else achieve their dreams, improve their finances, pay off debt, go to school, fulfill a lifelong wish- this is the measure of true success!  When we reach beyond ourselves to help a poor family gain a home, a financially strapped family pay off debt, a struggling friend gain financial independence- this is the success beyond all measure.  Success of caring for our fellow human beings.  


Friday, February 27, 2015

Showing Kindness

How do you show kindness to others? 

I believe in showing kindness to others.  There are so many ways we can show kindness to others.  Here are a few I like to do. 

This is something I strive daily to do.  I like to smile most of the time.  I find it makes both others and me feel more comfortable and content.

When I see service men and women in uniform, I thank them for their service.  They have written a blank check to protect my freedom, the least I can do is say "Thank you."

I have always been one to open doirs for others and offer my seat.  These little acts can be just the ticket to brighten someone's day.

Recently, I decided to take another step. I made small bags with hard candies and my business card to hand out as a thank you wherever I go.  I handed a few out for the first time yesterday. My kids and I were at Five Guys enjoying our hamburgers.  I saw how hard the crew was diligently working to serve customers.  I gave them 2 small baggies with hard candies and my business card. I let them know I appreciated their hard work and wanted to say thank you. My kids were a little embarassed, but the manager smiled bright and said thank you when I handed them the baggies. 

It may be hard at times to walknup to a stranger and say "thank you", smile, take the time to open a door for someone, or offer your seat, but it may be just the thing that person needs to know kindness exists. 

How do you show kindness to others?

"We love because he first loved us." 
1 John 4:19

Friday, February 20, 2015

You are so precious!

In case you haven't discovered yet, I am a big fan of Dani Johnson.  She is a real bootstrap girl.  She was raised in the pit of hell by parents who were drug addicts.  She was abused in every way possible.  However, instead of accepting the lie, she was not meant for any more, she defied it with the Truth!  She is a child of the King of King, the Maker of the Universe.  Who loves her so much, he reached down, dusted her off, and sent His only son to die for her sin.  We are so precious to Him, He knows every hair on our head, and is not willing to lose any of us, therefore, he reaches out for us, all we need to do is grasp hold and follow Him.

Like Dani, I came from rough early years, not quite as bad, but from a family where physical and mental abuse took place. I believed the enemy's lie, I was unworthy.  However, God reached down, dusted me off, and reached me in a personal way, letting me know His son died for ME!  I am so special to His heart, I know He would have sent Yeshua (Jesus) to die for only me.  I am truly His child!

If you want to live up to your potential, reach out for your Creator.  He loves you and reaches out to you, you only need to take hold.

Monday, February 9, 2015

What Do You See

Have you ever noticed we tend to see the worst when we look in the mirror, or see a picture of ourselves?  I was reminded of this today.  I shared some pics on Facebook of my husband and I in Bisbee, AZ, where we visited over the weekend with two of our kids and a French foreign exchange student visiting with us. My friends commented how handsome and buff my husband looked. My husband was more critical and voiced  very different comments about his looks in the photo.  I showed him some of the comments my friends posted, he was very surprised.  Funny how different we see ourselves!  

Maybe, instead of criticizing ourselves, we should purposely look at our reflection and make note of at least 2 things we like in the mirror, and write them down.  Every week we could add another thing we like about ourselves.  If we catch ourselves being overly critical, we can recount the positive things we saw, thus reminding us of our good qualities.  

What are other ways we can dispel the poor self talk we often engage in?  Leave your answer in the comments section.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Foreign Exchange Student

We have a foreign exchange in our home from France. She is here for 10 days.  What a blessing! She is kind, sweet, and respectful.  It is awesome learning about France and the French language from her.  It is also interesting to see our American culture through her eyes.  

I love new experiences, and learning other cultures.  If you ever have a chance to host a foreign exchange student; I highly recommend it!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015


-77 people interested in losing weight
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If interested, enter the 90 day challenge:

Monday, January 26, 2015

What is your WHY

What is your WHY?

What is your dream?  What is your desire?  What is your purpose?
What is your WHY?

I was pondering this today.  How often we travel our daily lives, continuing to go day in and day out without stopping to consider what we are doing with our lives.  Are we working towards our dreams?  Are we working towards our goals?  Have we established a vision for our personal lives and for our families?  Have we truly prayed about and determined what our God given purpose is?

My dream and desire has always been to be financially independent. I want to be able to care for my family, and donate time and resources to so many charitable organizations I believe in.  I absolutely love my career, I love being a Family Nurse Practitioner!  I believe God placed me where I am in this time to care for others. Financial independence would enable me to care for more people on a volunteer basis.  I would especially like to donate more time and talent as a Family Nurse Practitioner to Hands of Hope caring for women who choose life.

What is your dream?  Your desire?  Your purpose?  Your Why?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Who inspires you?

Are you inspired by money?
Are you inspired by music?
Are you inspired by a hobby, or a movie?
Are you inspired by family or a friend?
Are you inspired by social media?

I am inspired by many people.  First and foremost, I am inspired by God.  He gave his only son for my life, for my salvation, for my sin. If I was the only one on the face of the earth, He would still have sent His son for me.  I am also inspired by family.  My husband is talented in many things.  He is a hard working, and intelligent principal.  He also is amazing with his hands. He gardens, fixes his antique car,  repairs all sorts of things in the house, sews, and cooks.  My sister is brilliant in math and teaching math to both adults and kids, even teenagers.  My brothers are both amazing too, one is incredible with computers, the other is an amazing chef.  My children are also inspirations on their own. My oldest son is a fluent debater; my daughter is a flexible and talented dancer; and my youngest son is a natural with computers.

I am also inspired by biblical speakers.  I am inspired by Dave Ramsey and Dani Johnson. They both educate and inspire others to follow biblical principles of success, including financial accountability.  I am also inspired by famous people.  Glenn Beck inspires me with his honest view of politics and his  education to others on the importance of history.  I am inspired by Lila Rose and the way she stands boldly for life.  

I am also inspired by social media.  I have so many wonderful, and godly friends.  Social media has many evils, but the blessings of godly friends who encourage each other is truly edifying.

I ask you, who or what inspires you?  Please post in the comments below.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Earning God's Trust

“You cannot sow a seed and then just sit and expect something to happen”

Excerpt From: Johnson, Dani. “Spirit Driven Success.” Destiny Image Publishers, 2009. iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.  Check out this book on the iBooks Store:

I was recently introduced to Dani Johnson from the wife of my husband's friend.  I just finished "First Steps to Wealth" and am now reading "Spirit Driven Success."  I also listen and watch Dani's show online.  I love the down to earth, no mincing words advice she gives.  She tells it straight.  I especially love her advice is based on Biblical truths.  

Here we see we are responsible and accountable to put forth effort, live our faith out loud, and be an example to others.  If we want much, we must prove trustworthy with little. No matter where you are, are you trustworthy with what God is giving you? I struggle with money, especially debt, but am determined to be faithful in my little place on earth.  I am working hard to do better with God's trust by reading, and listening to experts like Dani Johnson and Dave Ramsey.  I want to earn God's trust.  What are you doing to earn his trust?  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dani Johnson- I learn so much from youπŸ’œπŸ’œ

I just have to share, I LOVE Dani Johnson's podcasts.  She is a Christian woman who is now a millionaire after incredibly poor upbringing circumstances, and even being homeless at age 21. She is self made and gives God all the credit.  She now teaches others how to improve their financial situation, get along in a more caring way with others, and devote their lives to Christ.  Her podcasts and books are so edifying and uplifting!  I really hope someway I can attend one of her seminars in person.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Report and One Word

How did your week go?  

1) Physically:  I kept  to my resolution/ commitment Sunday, Monday, and first half of Tuesday.  We went as a family to the movies on Tuesday afternoon. I fell off the health/ diet commitment from that point till Saturday.  I got back to my THM (Trim Healthy Mama) on Saturday.  Idid exercise Monday, but didn't the rest of the week 

2) Mentally: I did read Dani Johnson's emails, continued reading First Steps to Wealth, listened to her podcasts, and had still/ quiet time just to pray and listen to God.

3) Intellectually: I read my AANP emails, listened to MD Radio, and listened to Doctor radio Mon- Wed on my way too and from work. 

4) Financially: I listened to Dave Ramsey's show, reviewed my budget, and used my budget to determine where my money went. 

5) Spiritually: I read scripture Sun-Wed, and read my daily verses from KLOVE and my Proverbs 31 app. 

Pantano continued teaching today on changing in 2015 for the good.  The pastor suggested picking a word for the year to focus on for the year.  He mentioned possible words such as Faithfulness, Freedom, Grace, Compassion, etc.  These are wonderful words, but when he mentioned this idea, the word that immediately came to mind was Yeshua, (Jesus). I thought, pondered, and prayed on this.  Yeshua (Jesus) encompasses all the possible positive words in existence.  I want to follow Him with all that I am.  I want to be emptied of me and filled with Him.  I want each breath I take and each move I make to be focussed on my savior, Yeshua (Jesus).

If you are interested on hearing the sermon from today, follow this link:

What word will you focus on in 2015?